Making CoreFTP Portable

Core FTP client questions and answers
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Making CoreFTP Portable

Post by keithsa »

Hi, all. I’ve been lurking on this forum for quite a while, and finally decided it was time to post.

What made me decide to post is that I tested CoreFTP to see if it would install in a portable applications virtualization app called Ceedo and run properly.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with Ceedo, it is a portable applications virtualization application that allows you to install your applications on a USB drive and use them on any Windows 2000, XP or Vista PC. You don’t need admin rights to use Ceedo or any of the applications you have installed on your Ceedo drive.

You can install your own applications on your Ceedo drive without any modifications at all. Ceedo supports applications such as Microsoft Office, Photoshop CS3, Dreamweaver, and more.

CoreFTP installs in the Ceedo environment and runs just fine.

You can download a fully functional time limited trial of Ceedo from Once you have installed Ceedo on your USB drive, you will need to install Argo, the Ceedo application installer in order to install CoreFTP.
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