File upload also deleted numerous files..

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File upload also deleted numerous files..

Post by BLRRFHouse »

I've used the free version of Core FTP for a number of years and have never had a problem. However, tonight I was uploading one jpg file by highlighting the local file and dragging it to the other side. Suddenly I saw DELE after DELE after DELE fly by on the screen. I was unable to stop it so I clicked on "X" to stop the program from continuing to run.

Luckily Brinkster had backups of the files that were deleted (around 30) and restored them for us. I've never used CoreFTP to delete files so I don't even know how this could have happened. And this is the first problem I've had while using it. But now ... I'm afraid!

(Also, I do have "prompt for file deletion" checked.)

Sandi :?