cannot specify exact cipher in cipher order

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cannot specify exact cipher in cipher order

Post by captainmidnight »

Background: I want to use the best cipher possible. I trust AES the most, as it is by far the most thoroughly examined. I want the highest strength encryption, which is currently 256 bits. I want the best mode of operation with this block cipher, which I understand to be Galois/Counter Mode. So, I want to use AES256-GCM as my first choice of cipher, AES-256-CBC as my second choice of cipher, etc.

Suppose that I do Sites --> Site Manager --> select one of my saved sites --> Advanced --> SSH.

Then in the dialog window that pops up at this point, there is a Cipher order scrollable list. You can pick a particular cipher and move it to the exact position within the list that you desire. I assume that items are listed from top to bottom in descending order of preference.

Unfortunately, that dialog is a defective GUI because it has fixed dimensions. It fails to be resizable, even tho I have a massive monitor that could easily hold a much bigger sized window.

This especially matters for specifying the exact cipher: that dialog is not wide enough to display the exact cipher names.

Instead, that dialog truncates the names to be a fixed width using a "..." suffix.

For example, the 2 AES256 modes (CBC and GCM?) are BOTH displayed with the same text "AES256-...". I have no idea which is which!

The only fix that is needed is to make this dialog be resizeable, and to adjust the internal elements to scale to whatever size the user has selected. That would also eliminate the need for a vertical scroll button if I made the window be more vertical as well.

If your GUI toolkit does not support that, at least make the dialog 25% wider and taller.
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