CoreFTP Client bug when selecting already root folder.

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CoreFTP Client bug when selecting already root folder.

Post by echelon »

I am getting an issue when CoreFTP Client Pro V2.2 Build 1927 is already at the root folder and clicked the "<..>" sign on the remote FTP folder.

CoreFTP client will loose it's current 'memory' of being already root of a remote FTP folder.

The right behavior would be, CoreFTP client should remember already at a root folder and not issuing any other FTP Client command like "CDUP" while being at the root folder. Issuing a right click -> Refresh also still lost it's memory at being a root folder and still issuing "CDUP" again.

The recording of the bugs behavior is here :!oFFV1CKa!bbKnKqOxrc8mQPBA2yZ3NUrqft3fSoqIc1YxehJx8d0

Btw i have sent an e-mail about these bugs to supports, but still no reply, i hope that it will get fixed asap.
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