Other OS versions

Core FTP client questions and answers
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Would you like to see a Linux and/or Mac version of Core FTP?

Linux only
Mac only
No, Windows is enough for me
Total votes: 10

Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Feb 19, 2004 3:55 pm

Other OS versions

Post by lbdwag »

I was wondering if there were/are any plans to make Core FTP (my new favorite FTP Client) available on any other platforms (i.e. Mac/Linux)...

I am sorry if this is a sore topic, but I could not find any mention of it either on the website or by searching the fourms.
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Feb 19, 2004 3:55 pm

Post by lbdwag »

I would like to say that I commend you on being reasonable on this. Usually the canned response would be "get a real computer" or "Linux sucks" etc...

Even if there is not enough input on making the other versions, I want to thank you for the open-minded approach.
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Aug 13, 2007 1:06 pm


Post by DRB »

First off I am very pleased that such an idea is even being responded to by the developer. I have been using Linux solely both at home and at work for about two years now (Okay truth is I use WinXP also but for gaming ONLY). One thing I really find aggravating is that lack of a decent GUI FTP client for GNU/Linux. When I was still in the Windows world I found this FTP client to be the best at meeting my needs and was frustrated not to be able to use it any more.

Congratulations on v2.0; I hope that more users will see this post and add a vote for a Linux version. Unfortunately being a Windows only product I am not sure how many Linux users even know of it in the first place.
Posts: 9
Joined: Tue Jan 30, 2007 5:43 pm

Post by Hipk »

No linux at work, but have been a Linux user going on 12 years. I use this as a tool for work and think porting it over to Linux/MAC would provide a nice GUI ssh/sftp tool for those enviroments. I might be willing to help port it over even, depending on needed invovlement.
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