Problems getting v2 to work for SFTP...

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Problems getting v2 to work for SFTP...

Post by rob.pownall »

Hi – I’ve been using CoreFTP Server v1.2 as an SFTP server for a few years now with no issues.

We’re building a new environment and as such as new SFTP server. So I’ve taken the opportunity to install v2.0 on the new server. It’s in trial mode at the moment, but I plan to buy a new licence before we go live.

I’ve copied over my certs directory and config.dat. I’ve edited the Domain IP/Address to reflect the new server name. When I start the server it doesn't show any issues.

However, when I try to use Putty’s PSFTP.EXE to connect to localhost, I get ‘Network Error: Connection refused’. A Telnet to port 22 also results in failure.

I've tried it on a Win10 PC with Windows firewall off and I see the same thing.

I re-installed v1.2 and it worked straight away so I’m guessing there is some key difference with v2.0 that I’m missing.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Re: Problems getting v2 to work for SFTP...

Post by ForumAdmin »

You may need to update the hostname/IP field, use the machine name or the actual IP address instead of localhost

v2 release notes:

"localhost" will no longer resolve to loopback, something to be aware of for those who may still use it (more specifically the client). It can be added to the list of listening addresses if needed.
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Re: Problems getting v2 to work for SFTP...

Post by rob.pownall »

Thanks for the response. I already have the machine's name in the domain/IP address field (used it that way with 1.2). I'm also trying to connect from a separate PC, so not trying to connect to local host (although that isn't working either).

Can you please elaborate on 'the list of listening addresses'? Is this a separate config item somewhere? I haven't come across anything that looks like that.

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Re: Problems getting v2 to work for SFTP...

Post by ForumAdmin »

Its the addresses in the "domain IP/address" field.

You can have multiple addresses and/or machine names separated by a comma.

ie: machine-name,localhost,10.0.0.x
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Re: Problems getting v2 to work for SFTP...

Post by rob.pownall »

Thanks for that - putting the machine's local IP address and Name in that field did the trick.