Timestamp question

Core FTP client questions and answers
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Timestamp question

Post by Kaosports »

Timestamp question

I've read a post about this, but I'm still a little confused. When I upload a file the modified date is changed to when it was uploaded. Is there a way to keep the same modified date on a file as it is on my local computer? I think it has to do with MDTM setting. Can someone explain this to me? (I'm sort of new to this) I've tried changing the setting in global settings and in the advance tab of the site settings. How do I need to have things checked? I realize it might be a server issue also. So in that case it really doesn't matter how I have MDTM off or on...Is that correct?

Last edited by Kaosports on Thu May 24, 2018 2:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Timestamp question

Post by ForumAdmin »

MDTM will preserve the Timestamp of the file from your local machine. However, the remote server may list files using UTC/GMT so the dates could be offset by the time zone where it exists. In this case you can adjust the number of hours in the Site profile -> Advanced -> General -> hour offset..., field that will be used for directory listings.
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