Now that we know how to make the server log to a specific location, how do you get it to log anything more than (dis)connections and directory listings? I have checked all of the boxes, but I don't even see when someone transfers a file, much less the checked items available in that dialog.
Here's a sample listing of the log file after I have logged in, copied a file from the server to my local, browsed a few folders, then disconnected. Where's the transfer?
[20070821 15:35:43] [] connecting
[20070821 15:35:43] [] connected
[20070821 15:35:44] [] user 'cashsale' sent
[20070821 15:35:44] [] USER-PASS (cashsale) success
[20070821 15:35:44] [] LIST success - /
[20070821 15:35:45] [] LIST success - /somefolder
[20070821 15:35:49] [] LIST success - /testfolder
[20070821 15:36:20] [] disconnected (cashsale)