I wish to try upload a nonexisting file called "tst.txt" via command line like this
Code (batch file tst.bat):
"C:\Program Files\CoreFTP\coreftp.exe" -ssl -s -O -u "C:\tst.txt" ftp://username:password@domain.com -p /in/
If "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="" goto noerrlvl
If %ERRORLEVEL%==0 goto answer0
If %ERRORLEVEL%==1 goto answer1
If %ERRORLEVEL%==30 goto answer30
goto bad
echo Empty!!!
echo 0
goto bad
echo 1
goto bad
echo 30
goto bad
According to help for command line, coreftp must return result 30 in ERRORLEVEL, but I have result 0.
What is wrong and what is the correct syntax to use?
command line mode - errorlevel
my CoreFTP version is 1.3c b1447.3
When I issue the following .bat file:
"\program files\coreftp\coreftp.exe" -ssl -s -O -u c:\noexist.txt ftp://user:pass@coreftp.com/ -p /remote_dir/
I see again 0, but if syntax is
"\program files\coreftp\coreftp.exe" -ssl -s -O -u c:\noexist.txt ftp://user:pass@coreftp.com/remote_dir/
reult is 30
I see if -p is supplied, CoreFtp first create file with name noexist.txt, than delete this file. May be this is problem?
When I issue the following .bat file:
"\program files\coreftp\coreftp.exe" -ssl -s -O -u c:\noexist.txt ftp://user:pass@coreftp.com/ -p /remote_dir/
I see again 0, but if syntax is
"\program files\coreftp\coreftp.exe" -ssl -s -O -u c:\noexist.txt ftp://user:pass@coreftp.com/remote_dir/
reult is 30
I see if -p is supplied, CoreFtp first create file with name noexist.txt, than delete this file. May be this is problem?