Adding/stripping CR characters

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Joined: Thu Jul 09, 2009 4:58 pm

Adding/stripping CR characters

Post by allieddata »

Odd problem - create file. 199 characters per line, plus CR/LF sequence. 201 characters per line total. Open file in hex editor (UltraEdit32). Verify CR/LF is there. Upload to SFTP site. File is picked up, and I get a call they can't process the file because there are no CR characters!

I download the file from the site. Looks good to me. Send file via email. No problem. Send same file via FTP. Cannot process, no CR characters...

D/L SFTP client recommended by tech. Transfer file. No problem.

Core FTP won't work. I'm being told that CORE is stripping the CR characters on upload and adding them back when I DL the file (yeah, right...).

Has anyone else ever had this problem and is there a resolution. No, I don't know what FTP server (software) I'm dealing with. Anyone have any ideas?
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Jul 09, 2009 4:58 pm

Post by allieddata »

It's the ASCII mode. Made me feel silly when I discovered that. Just set it to binary and problem solved.
