If the connection times out, usually the 'reconnect' button logs me back in to the directory I was last at. Perfect. However, sometimes, the reconnection fails:Resolving ftp.creapsoft.co.uk, via proxy (
Connect socket #712 to, port 400 (to 21)...
220 clyde FTP server (Version 1.7tp7 - 2001/06/20 21:05:20) ready.
I believe this is due to it 'forgetting' to go out through the proxy. I never get this issue at home (as I use it 'direct'). (Note the 'via proxy ...' is missing) The 'Can't establish connection' takes around 20 to 30 seconds to appear, after the 'Resolving...' line. No change to any program settings will reduce this timeout.QUIT
221 Goodbye.
Resolving ftp.creapsoft.co.uk...
Can't establish connection --> ftp.creapsoft.co.uk:21 @ Fri Jul 22 13:37:44 2005 (11002-100)
This is usually a temporary error during hostname resolution and means that the local server did not receive a response from an authoritative server.
Connection Failed
Clicking the 'Site Manager' and connecting again then works fine, but the next disconnection and reconnect will fail again, until CoreFTP is closed down. It will then work (say, 2 or 3 times) and then fail again. As soon as its failed, it won't reconnect (via the reconnect button) until CoreFTP is restarted.
A bizarre little bug-ette!