Can no longer connect

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Can no longer connect

Post by lroseriver »

I've been using Core for all my FTP needs when suddenly yesterday it would no longer connect.

Getting this error:

Can't establish connection -- > @TueOct 02 13:47:40 2018 (10038-2)
An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket.

I've been using my iPhone hotspot for work all year, no problems, until now. Thanks for any and all ideas1
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Re: Can no longer connect

Post by ForumAdmin »

do you have any issues with any other types of internet connections? Users have reported FTP stopped working after a recent Windows 7 update but it has not be reproducible here. It may be indirectly related to security software or you may need to add coreftp.exe as a firewall exception.
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Joined: Tue Oct 02, 2018 8:52 pm

Re: Can no longer connect

Post by lroseriver »

Thanks for answering. I have no other internet issues. I've tried CoreFTP, FileZilla, and WinSCP, all of which worked previously and now no longer connect.

I added coreftp.exe as a firewall exception yesterday, to no avail.

I also uninstalled a recent Windows update. That didn't work either.

For testing, I tried accessing the server through net2ftp and was successful, but I'd rather use a local client for security reasons.

Any other thoughts?
Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Mar 22, 2019 1:10 pm

having the same issue


Out of no where i started having issues too. i cant post through the network but if i hook my cnc directly to the computer it works fine.

Connect socket #960 to, port 57509...
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection. - 1304 bytes transferred in 0 seconds
Transfer time: 00:00:12

PORT command failed
Error loading directory...