Having trouble getting timestamps to work out.
Using SFTP. Remote system is Windows Server 2003, local system is Windows Vista.
Using Remote Desktop, the remote file shows: 9/5/2007 3:51p
Using Cygwin shell on remote desktop, the remote file shows: 9/5/2007 4:51p
When I download to my local system, the time becomes: 9/5/2007 11:51a
Site settings: MDTM is ON (checkbox for MDTM off is cleared)
Hour Offset: 0
Remote and local systems have same TimeZone setting: EDT (daylight savings ON)
I have played around with the MDTM and hour offset settings but can't seem to make anything work exactly right. If I change the "hour offset", all that seems to do is changed the "displayed time" on the remote file, but when downloaded, the timestamp stays the same!
I have searched the forums and found other timestamp posts, but nothing definitive. Are there known problems with the timestamps on SFTP?