Core FTP 1.3a Released

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Site Admin
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Core FTP 1.3a Released

Post by ForumAdmin »

Version 1.3a (build 1334), updated May 17th, 2004

Paste limit of URL into Host/IP/URL field fixed.
View/Edit on non-unix servers fixed.
Delete after file downloaded fixes.
Editing filename/rename text fix.
Find dialog crashes fixed.
Chmod editing updates.
Additions for editing files with more applications.
Option for transfers numeric progress fixed.
VMS additions and fixes.
VMS using SFTP with F-Secure fixes.
Copy site remote/local path fixed.
Import/Export ABS field fix.

Sort by file type.
Ping/TraceRoute (pro)

Command line updates:
-ouput file CR/LF problem with more than one transfer, fixed.
-log \path\output file for session log changed.
Upload path problems with no URL when not in silent mode, fixed.


Version 1.3a (build 1327), updated April 22, 2004

SSL proxy fixes (Windows SSL/TLS only).
SSL buffer overruns fixed (Windows SSL/TLS only).
Import/Export fixes (NT/2000/XP).
Advanced settings crash issue.
GUI fixes.

SYST on/off option added.
Option to turn off PBSZ/PROT (advanced - ssl/tls)

Command line options - (see help file for more detail):
Additional command line overwrite options.
Environment variable %errorlevel% returns status of transfer(s).
New output file for batch processing: -output filename
-log \path\output file for session log changed.


Version 1.3a (build 1317), released April 5, 2004

IDN (International Domain Names) support.
Microsoft security (Windows SSL/TLS) & certificates (uncheck OpenSSL).
Certificate listing/import/export options (manage & adv settings).
Unitree/DiskXTender support added (select legacy in adv - conn).
IBM Information Exchange (IE) support (pro).
Linux : L8 support added.
VAX/VMS fixes.
Ability to select server type (adv - general).

Local move/copy.
Connecting problems.
Command line updates.
'Account' field moved to advanced settings.
GUI updates.

Previous version 1.3 release notes -
Last edited by ForumAdmin on Mon May 17, 2004 5:23 pm, edited 6 times in total.
Site Admin
Posts: 984
Joined: Mon Mar 24, 2003 4:37 am

Post by ForumAdmin »
