I setup the connection in the GUI using the connection manager. Under Advanced setting even changed the settings to the correct 'upload' folder'. I am able to use the GUI to upload the file repeatedly. However the following command line does not work
"${COREFTP}" -s -O -site MorganStanleySend -u "${PUTFILE}" -p "/upload/" -log "Transfer.log" -output "Transfer.log"
Here's the log output. It appears that a file was uploaded but the recipient is not seeing it. Not sure if the upload happens and where the file is going.
Resolving sftp.xxxxxxxxx.com...
sftp.xxxxxxxx.com connecting...
client -> aes128
server -> aes128
Sending password
Current directory is '/download'
CWD /download
CWD /download/upload/
Source or dest path may be invalid - check path and/or permissionspermission denied...
CWD /upload
CWD /upload/
- 249 bytes transferred
2 1 20141105110028 20141105110028 "/upload/" ""
permission denied...
sent 8, recd 8
Total uploaded files: 1
Total uploaded data: 249
Total downloaded files: 0
Total downloaded data: 0