Core FTP 1.3 Released

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Site Admin
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Core FTP 1.3 Released

Post by ForumAdmin »

Version 1.3 (build 1301), updated March 17, 2004

Legacy option for older servers (site profile - advanced settings).
Added option to display '-' instead of '/' for dates.
Added option to display chmod as a numeric value.
Queuing and scheduling of compressed files (including wildcards).
System tray icon during scheduled transfers.

Transfer button issues after delete and upload.
Synch tool updates.
FTP proxy changes for SSL problems.
Date fixes for transfer crashes on some Euro versions of Windows.
Winsock dependency mods that caused Winsock2 to be required on 9x.
Fixes for link issues (directory formats) on several older Unix servers.
Password entered in site profile not being used, fixed.
Maximize / restore issues fixed.
Multiple chmod same value issue fixed.
Zip password (compress) problems resolved.
Memory leak in connection routines.
Rename of file on fail displays accurately.
Lock up problems when connecting/reconnecting (mainly SSL).
Transfer buttons not updating under certain scenarios.
Maximizing problem when switching between windows.
Tabbing updates.
Chmod property dialog fixes.
Sorting issues.

Build 1287: - Feb 23, 2004

"Always refresh after transfers" option added.
Log option added - view - options - general - 'log activity'.
Option to delete files after transfers completed.
Save column headers on exit.
Option to set socket buffers.
Zip Compression/decompression (Pro)

Scheduled transfers overwriting problems on upload.
-p command line parameter works for uploads.
Reconnect problems when password entered manually.
Browser integration on install off by default (fix self registering issue).

Build 1278: - Feb 11, 2004

Editing remote files overwrite problems after save/update.
MD4/MD5/OTP/SKEY fixes.
Cut/paste fixes on NT/2K/XP
Template listing reversed.
Misc template loading issues.
System path issues fixed (application data, for non-english Windows)
SSL manage/viewing of certificates fixed.
SSL connection issue with servers that returned "334 SSLv23/TLSv1" or similar responses.
SSL hanging problems with Globalscape FTP servers.
Minimize/maximize issues.
Rename option for transfers - uppercase problem fixed.
Updating of extension, ascii, and other lists (deleted items not saved).
NOOP timeout in global options working.
Uploading speed improvements in large directories.
Fixes for ANSI chars (128-256) for Euro versions of Windows.
Double click options on/off fixed (general - don't prompt on dbl click)
Local directory creation problem.
Upload overwrite time stamp issues.

Added "Make directory" button to file lists.
NAT settings (advanced settings for site profile).
Option to set ANSI/UNICODE encoding of filenames (view - encoding)

Build 1260: - Jan 27, 2004

Site export option added to lite version.
Log copy/paste fixed NT/2000/XP.
File overwrite "skip" not skipping existing files (when 'always' option selected) fixed.
Session/template updating problems resolved.
Separate CHMOD directory permission option (pro opt).
"Queue As" option (pro opt).

Build 1257: - Jan 15, 2004
Scheduler fixes (with additional properties dialog, wildcard support).
Command line fixes (includes -s option for silent mode, wildcard support).
Shortcut creation with drop options.
Site-to-site transfer fixes.
Browser integration fixes.
Sound problems fixed.
Sorting problems fixed.
HTTP proxy fixed.
Local sort by date issue.
Buffer issues for long path/filenames.
Upload problems fixed.

Build 1244:, release date - Jan 8, 2004.

Includes the following additions:

International language / Unicode support for paths/filenames on Windows NT/2000/XP.
Bookmarks (right click on file list, misc - bookmark, or to go sites - bookmark).
Treat links as directories option.
Option to disable browser integration from within it's window.
Auto-resume of aborted transfers option (on by default for new installations).
Option to show/hide(disable) connecting window.
Option to use local file date/time stamp on files.
Command line overwrite/resume options.


Connections do not use the connecting window by default on new installations. To turn option on, go to view - options - connection, and select "show connecting window". Installing ver 1.3 over 1.2 will not change the default setting.


Changes for connecting issues on non-english versions of Windows
Miscellaneous GUI fixes.
Queue pausing fixes.
Edit files not saving problem fixed.
Log updates when processing queue, fixed.
SSL updates.
Auto-reconnect modifications.
SSH/SFTP crashes caused by invalid directories.
File dates use default directory listing date if MDTM fails.
File transfer progress update fixes for upload from edited/dropped files.

Please leave feedback with any problems. :)