Important suggestions to Core FTP team

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Important suggestions to Core FTP team

Post by loop11 »

I will list the Bugs, missing main features and interface mistakes in the Core FTP pro, because I want to help you that you could be better, dont be mad, every suggestion that I made is a gold worthy, believe me I was involved in the few ftp clients.

1.There is no way to freely move files and folders in the queue list with the mouse , with the single or multiple file selection using the shift function like in any ftp client on the market.

2.There is no ability to expand or contract the branch of a group of files or folders which were from the same folder tree, like in any ftp client on the market, this option is the essential function and the feature in the case of the fast queue order manipulation, or the folder tree delition. This strict file type of queue style you are using now, is very hard to use.

3.There is huge number crashing if you want to manipulate with the queue list, especially if you want to pause and continue the files in the queue list, in the case that Core FTP crashed, the queue wouldn't be saved and your queue would be lost, any other FTP client on the market has queue list save option in the regular usage or in the case of the crash. And you cant load queue in any case.

4.There is no option that user could set the guaranteed browse connection, this feature would allow that in any case download connection couldn't be used over the browse connection even after the keep connection lose browse connections, and that browse connection could be kept alive and guarantied if the FTP server allow more than 1 connection, user should have ability to choose from guarantied browse connection or if he like in the case of the server allow only one connection that he could use download connection over browse connection.

5.There is no way that you could set threshold for the file size, for the multiple file or multiple part download transfer
( I will refer to multiple part download when I meant multiple temp file broken into the multi parts segments inside one file) and to (multiple file I meant, when you want few separate files downloaded together in regular transfer style).
I will explain, if downloaded file is smaller than 15mb(its some kind of advanced rule) you could set the number of multiple files in download like 4, 5, 6 or any number that you like, or in the case that file size is bigger than 50 mb use 1, 2, 3 or any number of multiple files in download, but if the file is bigger than 300mb, 500mb or bigger use multi part download style, with number of parts(segments per file), 1, 2, 3, 4...
The rule would be like this:
for file size, lower than XXX mb use multiple file or multiple part of segments- number of files or parts XXX, for the files lower than 50mb or any xxx mb use xxx number multiple part number of files or parts(segments) per file and for the files which are bigger than XXX use multiple part number of multi files or Multi-part(segments per filke) xxx.

6. Files which were downloaded trough Multi-part downloads,
(I'm talking about "one file downloaded into the segments"),
were using some temp files which were stored in some hidden temp folder or in the memory or in the local temp folder with names such as tmpF31.tmp , tmpF2F.tmp , this is the worst idea, the temp file should be located in the same place where are the original files, like in CuteFTP, they should be named based on the original name, you should include the log file for segmented downloads, in the same folder where the original files were located, and the log file should writen on every 10 seconds, or you should wrote the position and tem file names location in that log and the actual postition and information abount the segments, in the case of the crash. Coreftp should scan the folder for the segment log, before you start each transfer, in that way if you downloaded previouslly you could continue even if you dont have the queue, and in that way youd be able to continue the broken, failed or crashed queue.

In the case of the lost queue or crash of the core ftp, or any other problem, your temporary multi-part temp files will be lost in the current COre FTP configuration, that thing couldnt be happen in the Cuteftp and because of that you need to make a way in Core FTP if thing works like a charm in the CuteFtp.
But Core Ftp doesn't know how to combine the temp file after the crash or after any other problem you could have with the queue and if you want to continue(resume) with the file which were downloaded segmented, because CoreFTP dont even know that there was segmented download of any file if you lose queue or if CoreFtp were crashed!

7. There is no advance rule for resume, overwrite or any other function, you can look at the rule type from the falshfxp or cuteftp, rule is the important part of the ftp client.
Rule must be formed as intelligent changeable mask, and The rules must be formed in the lines, like for some cases, one rule is not enough, you need to build the advanced rule.
Like the separate rule for the folders, files, upload or download type of download, based on the date, file size, or action.
Cuteftp rule style is something that you need to copy in the similar way.

8. The Interface space is wasted, the top part has ultra big icons, and that part cant be optimized trough the FTP Core interface, remote and local interface part is also too big and not optimized. Space is wasted, and there is not much space for information's.

9. Bug that if you dont use Auto resize and if you lets say choose to lower the size of the logger panel, and if the logger panel is in the right part next to queue panel, the overlapping will occur, which is incurable, if you dont choose Auto resize.

10. Just one strange bug, seems that you choose some strange mode , when you choose few folders to download, browser part will start to first browse trough selected download folders, and on the end, when queue complete the building of the folder and the file queue list for the download, you wont be returned into the folder where you were before you started that download queue, you will be switched to some other folder , maybe folder which you used when you entered on ftp site. This is really annoying bug, or maybe its feature, but this is wrong.

11. You cant minimize core ftp to systray only to tray, which is bad.

12. You didn't included collective transfer bar or collective calculated speed. Flashfxp style of transfer bar is the way, in fact the bar should be slider with ability to show last 10, 30, or 60 minutes, or more like 24h if you set it like that.

14.Your Filter mode is very complicated, you'd better use filter mode trough site manager for each site, now , filter could be off without any reason if your core ftp crashed. or if you restart the Core Ftp.

15. I dont know why Core FTP is so unstable, I never had any crash with Cuteftp or Flashfxp or wsftp. I will list you the possible problems that where maybe responsible for instability.

15.1 I cant believe how big is "user object", I see 3480 user objects in this moment I'm writing this text, its ultra big and I never saw any FTP client with such huge number of User objects!

15.2 And people this for the final is unbelievable, you have 1000 threads and in many cases you have even 1100 threads which is the number that I saw in the moment I'm writing this text, this is the record, Seems that you made huge mistakes in programming core ftp, 1000 threads is extreme number of threads, there is no need for more than 30 thread 100 TOP!
And GDI object is leaking trough time of usage it will easily reach 1000 trough few days

16. You dont have the feature like that Core FTP could read the external IP trough some ip checker site, like you have in Flashfxp, or in some other good ftp client, this feature is important if you want to use Active port mode on the FTP servers which are operating on non-standard ports, other than port 21, because many routers on the market have transparent mode for the active mode only for the port 21, and in the case of any other port including default SSL port The FTP client couldn't know what's the external IP address if that information isn't forwarded from the Router.
Believe me this feature is important, try to find spare time to include this feature .

Listen people, I see that you have spirit and will to make good FTP client.

Believe me I know everything in the case of the ftp clients.

Every thing that I told you is the gold mine, please listen for my words.
There are more than hundreds of things that could be included into the core ftp but I listed just a few most important things that were missed form the Core FTP.

Sorry on the bad spelling or on some other problems, I wrote this text in a rush.
If anything isn't understandable I will explain it, just ask me.