Moving from SmarFTP to CoreFTP

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Moving from SmarFTP to CoreFTP

Post by delta13 »


Seem I'm not alone that search replace to expired SmartFTP, long time free but now not.

Well, now I'm here, after few days research the most similar to SmartFTP client.

Here is my minds about it, mainly what I think will be better in usability of CoreFTP.

I'm a programmer working with several sites at same time.

1. When disconnect, remore (right) side completely empty. So I need to re-connect or refresh before I drag-n-drop some file from windows explorer to remote.
2. I cannot drop file to dir.
3. Positions of log and queue windows, position of delimiter bar between local and remote - not save.
4. I try to upload wordpress.... CoreFTP fail (plain ftp). FAR manageer help me....
5. Bookmarks (site list) need to "load". Why????
6. Quick connect ask me login/password no matter I fill it out before...
7. Tabbed interface for remote, I want to see and be able to drop file to any site I previously open.
8. I want to define where will be log, queue, local, remote.... The "change view" feature just have not all abilities... like I want to have: usual view where log is upper window, queue is lower, and local is under remote. Seem this is simple but this layout not exist...
9. I'm just ocassionally found that "minimize to tray" call from right click to CopreFTP window... Nowhere it saying.... And minimize via "_" not hide to tray. Clear, "minimize to tray" enabled.
10. Restore by double-click from tray is not usable. Please create menu for right click with "restore" option!
11. Why when CoreFTP was "maximized", after restore from tray is not maximized?? Clear, I know how to fight with IE in this case, but you are not IE creators!!
12. Why uploaded files stay visible some time in queue? If somebody want to view it, here must be setting for it like "show uploaded item xxx seconds"
13. Weird but after resore from tray CoreFTP hang out my computer for a moment (2-4 seconds). For p4 2.4 with 1Gb memory it look strange, I'm worry to see blue screen every time....

There is my 13 cents...